Your Values
Creative people struggle with branding because it’s so personal and choosing one business idea or niche just feels like you are limiting yourself.
When someone asks what you do, you probably go on to list a few things to keep yourself open to new possibilities and opportunities and show that you are a multi-passionate, interesting, creative person.
But if you asked yourself:
What could you commit to being the best at in the world?
Now, in this case, you might ponder your answer a little longer and choose very carefully. The good news is that by combining your unique passions into a lifestyle brand, you can actually create your own lane where you are your only competition. No one else has your unique combination of skills and talents.
By aligning your brand values with your personal values, you have a better chance of sticking with your business ideas.
If you wrote down all of your proudest moments, can you find the common thread when you achieved the most for yourself?
What quotes or advice have been meaningful to you in the past?
Chances are, you already have a certain motto or mantra that you live by.
Your Market
When we are really clear on who we’d love to help, it’s so much easier to create, communicate, promote and sell great offers that connect with them directly. Most people see this as a huge challenge but it doesn’t have to be.